Alkaline Electrochemical Cell#

This example, let’s describe an instance of a simple alkaline electrochemical cell.


In this ontology, an ElectrochemicalCell is simply a combination of components in a holistic arrangement (i.e. two electrodes in contact with an electrolyte). Adding a case and terminals to make it a functional device makes it a BatteryCell described in the battery domain ontology.

The JSON-LD description of the material is given below:

 2   "@context": "",
 3   "@type": "ElectrochemicalCell",
 4   "hasNegativeElectrode": {
 5      "@type": "ZincElectrode"
 6   },
 7   "hasPositiveElectrode": {
 8      "@type": "ManganeseDioxideElectrode"
 9   },
10   "hasElectrolyte": {
11      "@type": "AlkalineElectrolyte"
12   }