Ontology Tools ============== Working with ontologies and linked data does not have to be complicated. You could do most things in a text editor like Notepad, if you were so inclined. But having the right tools for the job can make your work easier and more effective. Below are some recommended tools that can help. .. grid:: .. grid-item-card:: :link: https://protege.stanford.edu/ Protégé ^^^^^^^^^^^ A graphical ontology editor from Stanford Univeristy. It is useful for exploring the terms and connections in the ontology and performing reasoning. Advanced users can also use it to make edits to the source files. If you use only one tool for ontology development, this is the one you want. .. grid-item-card:: :link: https://rdflib.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ RDFLib ^^^^^^^^^^^ A python library for working with ontologies and knowledge graphs. RDFLib is useful for integrating semantic data in python codes. It includes a simple triplestore with a SPARQL endpoint for running queries, as well as options to serialize data into RDF supported formats like JSON-LD, Turtle, etc. .. grid:: .. grid-item-card:: :link: https://code.visualstudio.com/ Visual Studio Code ^^^^^^^^ A handy code editor and developer environment. It includes extensions for working with RDF data like JSON-LD and Turtle. It is useful for anyone working with the source files or creating instances of linked data. .. grid-item-card:: :link: contribute.html EMMOntoPy ^^^^^^^^^^ A custom python package for working with EMMO-based ontologies. Built on `OWLReady2 `__, EMMOntoPy provides tools for loading, editing, analyzing, and exporting ontology data within the EMMO Universe.