.. toctree:: :includehidden: :hidden: Get Started Examples Class Index About FAQ Battery Interface Ontology ================================ Welcome to the **Battery Interface Ontology (BattINFO)**, a semantic resource with essential terms and relationships to describe battery cells, materials, methods, and data. **Here's a simple example:** .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: JSON .. code-block:: json :linenos: { "@context": "https://w3id.org/emmo/domain/battery/context", "@type": "CR2032", "schema:name": "My CR2032 Coin Cell", "schema:manufacturer": { "@id": "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q3041255", "schema:name": "SINTEF" }, "hasProperty": { "@type": ["RatedCapacity", "ConventionalProperty"], "hasNumericalPart": { "@type": "Real", "hasNumericalValue": 230 }, "hasMeasurementUnit": "emmo:MilliAmpereHour" } } .. tab-item:: JSON-LD Playground .. raw:: html
Check out these resources to get started! ----------------------------------------- .. grid:: .. grid-item-card:: :link: pages/getstarted.html :octicon:`rocket;1em;sd-text-info` Get Started ^^^^^^^^^^^ Let's go! Here is some information to help you get started .. grid-item-card:: :link: pages/battinfo.html :octicon:`book;1em;sd-text-info` Class Index ^^^^^^^^^^^ A complete list of terms and some human-readable annotations .. grid:: .. grid-item-card:: :link: pages/examples.html :octicon:`pencil;1em;sd-text-info` Examples ^^^^^^^^ Here are some examples that demonstrate basic usage of the ontology .. grid-item-card:: :link: pages/contribute.html :octicon:`thumbsup;1em;sd-text-info` Contribute ^^^^^^^^^^ Help us develop the ontology by following these guidelines